Now there are two sorts of people, first one is those who after facing difficulties just stop there work at that point of time only. They don’t even try again to achieve that thing. But another one is the people who got disappointed once but from that thing they learned something.They believe in hope. They know that they will definitely win...........
To achieve the aim three thngs shold be there-
1)Aspiration- if you have aspiration only the you can move further.
2)Confidence - Once all village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all people gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella....That's Confidence..
3) Hope- Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next morning but still we have plans for the coming day....That's Hope...
So whenever you feel that you defeated, just think that its got delayed and set new goal with full of confidence and hope..........you will definitely win........
And Vaise my wishes are always with you.......
so never ever feel bad ...........
enjoy yaarrrrr........
ALL THE BEST...........
Priyanka Choudhary